Artificial Skin


Skin, the human body's largest organ, protects the body from disease and physical damage, and helps to regulate body temperature. It is composed of two major layers, the epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis, or outer, layer is composed primarily of cells: keratinocytes, melanocytes, and langerhans. The dermis, composed primarily of connective tissue fibers such as collagen, supplies nourishment to the epidermis.

When the skin has been seriously damaged through disease or burns, the body cannot act fast enough to manufacture the necessary replacement cells. Wounds, such as skin ulcers suffered by diabetics, may not heal and limbs must be amputated. Burn victims may die from infection and the loss of plasma. Skin grafts were developed as a way to prevent such consequences as well as to correct deformities. As early as the sixth century B.C. , Hindu surgeons were involved in nose reconstruction, grafting skin flaps from the patient's nose. Gaspare Tagliacozzo, an Italian physician, brought the technique to Western medicine in the sixteenth century.

Until the late twentieth century, skin grafts were constructed from the patient's own skin (autografts) or cadaver skin (allografts). Infection or, in the case of cadaver skin, rejection were primary concerns. While skin grafted from one part of a patient's body to another is immune to rejection, skin grafts from a donor to a recipient are rejected more aggressively than any other tissue graft or transplant. Although cadaver skin can provide protection from infection and loss of fluids during a burn victim's initial healing period, a subsequent graft of the patient's own skin is often required. The physician is restricted to what skin the patient has available, a decided disadvantage in the case of severe burn victims.

In the mid-1980s, medical researchers and chemical engineers, working in the fields of cell biology and plastics manufacturing, joined forces to develop tissue engineering to reduce the incidences of infection and rejection. One of the catalysts for tissue engineering was the growing shortage of organs available for transplantation. In 1984, a Harvard Medical School surgeon, Joseph Vacanti, shared his frustration over the lack of available livers with his colleague Robert Langer, a chemical engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Together, they pondered whether new organs could be grown in the laboratory. The first step was to duplicate the body's production of tissue. Langer came up with the idea of constructing a biodegradable scaffolding on which skin cells could be grown using fibroblasts, cells extracted from donated neonatal foreskins removed during circumcision.

In a variation of this technique developed by other researchers, the extracted fibroblasts are added to collagen, a fibrous protein found in connective tissue. When the compound is heated, the collagen gels and traps the fibroblasts, which in turn arrange themselves around the collagen, becoming compact, dense, and fibrous. After several weeks, keratinocytes, also extracted from the donated foreskins, are seeded onto the new dermal tissue, where they create an epidermal layer.

An artificial skin graft offers several advantages over those derived from the patient and cadavers. It eliminates the need for tissue

Artificial Skin
typing. Artificial skin can be made in large quantities and frozen for storage and shipping, making it available as needed. Each culture is screened for pathogens, severely curtailing the chance of infection. Because artificial skin does not contain immunogenic cells such as dendritic cells and capillary endothelial cells, it is not rejected by the body. Finally, rehabilitation time is significantly reduced.

Raw Materials

The raw materials needed for the production of artificial skin fall into two categories, the biological components and the necessary laboratory equipment. Most of the donated skin tissue comes from neonatal foreskins removed during circumcision. One foreskin can yield enough cells to make four acres of grafting material. Fibroblasts are separated from the dermal layer of the donated tissue. The fibroblasts are quarantined while they are tested for viruses and other infectious pathogens such as IIV, hepatitis B and C, and mycoplasma. The mother's medical history is recorded. The fibroblasts are stored in glass vials and frozen in liquid nitrogen at -94°F (-70°C). Vials are kept frozen until the fibroblasts are needed to grow cultures. In the collagen method, keratinocytes are also extracted from the foreskin, tested, and frozen.

If the fibroblasts are to be grown on mesh scaffolding, a polymer is created by combining molecules of lactic acid and glycolic acid, the same elements used to make dissolving sutures. The compound undergoes a chemical reaction resulting in a larger molecule that consists of repeating structural units.

In the collagen method, a small amount of bovine collagen is extracted from the extensor tendon of young calves. The collagen is mixed with an acidic nutrient, and stored in a refrigerator at 39.2°F (4°C).

Laboratory equipment includes glass vials, tubing, roller bottles, grafting cartridges, molds, and freezers.

The Manufacturing

The manufacturing process is deceptively simple. Its main function is to trick the extracted fibroblasts into believing that they are in the human body so that they communicate with each other in the natural way to create new skin.

Mesh scaffolding method

Collagen method

The Future

The medical profession is using artificial skin technology to pioneer organ reconstruction. It is hoped that this so-called engineered structural tissue will, for example, someday replace plastic and metal prostheses currently used to replace damaged joints and bones. Ears and noses will be reconstructed by seeding cartilage cells on polymer mesh. The regeneration of breast and urethral tissues is currently under study in the laboratory. Through this technology, it is possible that one day, livers, kidneys, and even hearts, will be grown from human tissues.

Where to Learn More


Langer, Robert and Joseph P. Vacanti. "Artificial Organs," Scientific American, September 1995, pp. 130-133.

Langer, Robert and Joseph P. Vacanti. "Tissue Engineering," Science, May 14, 1993, pp. 920-921.

McCarthy, Michael. "Bio-engineered tissues move towards the clinic," The Lancet, August 17, 1996, p. 466.

Rundle, Rhonda L. "Cells 'Tricked' To Make Skin For Burn Cases," The Wall Street Journal, March 17, 1994.

Mary F. McNulty

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